Bitcoin For Families - Your Personal Guide to Bitcoin Self-Custody

You've decided to save with Bitcoin. Now what?

Bitcoin doesn't need to be complicated. I'm committing some of my free time to help others learn how to self-custody Bitcoin.

Because now, more than ever, we need self-custody.

Anyone can self-custody their Bitcoin

How do I buy Bitcoin? What do I need? Where do I keep it? How do I protect myself from scammers?
If these questions sound familiar, I can help you.
I'll show you how I've done it for my family and myself.
Now, more than ever, we need self-custody.

Book a call.
It's free.

Sometimes it's good to just talk with somebody. I'm helping people learn how to self-custody Bitcoin on my free time. Book a free call to see how I can help you.

Still have questions?

Check my newsletter. Published weekly-ish to answer common questions about the value of Bitcoin and how to use it.

A sample cold storage setup

It's the inflation,

Bitcoin is a savings tool

Bitcoin For Families

I'm Alejandro: father of 4, Bitcoiner, entrepreneur and marathoner. I save exclusively in Bitcoin because the US dollar has lost 98% of its purchasing power in 50 years.

Everyone should have access to the soundest money on Earth regardless of their digital skills. First I created my newsletter to educate and now I am offering my free time to help others take a step forward and save with Bitcoin the right way.

© 2024 Bitcoin For Families. This website is for educational purposes. The contents of the website do not represent financial advise.

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